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Epic Games: Web Unification

When Epic Games acquired a myriad of new domains including Twinmotion, ArtStation, and Sketchfab they needed to create a unified Epic ecosystem. My team set out to redesign the Global Navigation, Footer Components, and Download Modal Components across all Epic Web domains. This has allowed users to navigate effortlessly between each site and create uniformity for the Epic brand. 

Team: Leah Shae, Aliza Kravatz, Rachel Kerr, Lenton Alston

Agency: Instrument

Design System, Prototypes, UI/UX, User Testing, Pressure Testing

Launched Product ->

My Roles

I became the go-to prototyper of the team, creating working, detailed prototypes of our designs for user testing and to present to Epic's teams. As each element of our navigation was thought out, I iterated designs and dug into pressure testing and documentation.

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